YEAR: 2022 – Present
AREA: Distribution & Sales,
At Peninsula, we design and produce Made in Italy lifestyle garments with the sea in our heart, the most authentic inspiration of our Italian feeling. The sea is life , it is strength , it is energy : the sea is our passion and, as such, we respect and protect it.
Ethics and sustainability are the values at the basis of our mission: if fashion is one of the most polluting sectors in the world, we have decided to try to reverse this trend by reducing our impact on the environment. As?
Making our supply chain as sustainable as possible, using regenerated polyester for the production of swimwear, making the packaging with seaweed from certified crops and selecting partner companies according to sustainability criteria.
All our garments are made to last and then be regenerated according to a virtuous economic circularity perspective.
Peninsula Swimwear is a transparent and clean brand like the waters we would like and for this we give our active support to WWF and Marevivo. Because safeguarding and enhancing water means protecting the environment and biodiversity but also protecting beauty, history and our human being.